I have never had reiki done on me before but I consider myself an *open* person willing to try different things. I am trained in Western Medicine as a form of healing, so having reiki done was definitely something out of my immediate comfort zone, but I was so excited to work with Natalie! From the very first few minutes, Natalie did a phenomenal job making sure I was comfortable, she was asking me questions about things going on in my life, big and little things that I was working through, and where I might be holding it all. I told her I was holding tension in my heart and was also hoping for her to work on freeing some of that fertility energy in my pelvis. She played really relaxing music, she had me lay down, and placed a scented pillow cover over my eyes. She immediately started at my head and from the first second, I felt an intense energy flowing between my ears, shooting back and forth across my forehead. It was so powerful, it is hard to describe it. As she moved to different areas of my body, such as my heart, I could feel the transfer of energy, even without her touch. In my heart I felt so much tightness that I was actively trying to let go of, but I could feel her activating it in a way that I had never experienced before. My chest was so tight my shoulders were collapsing in towards my chest... as she worked on it I could feel my shoulders giving... slowly becoming softer. Then she spent some time in my pelvic area, always being incredibly professional, but I had wanted her to focus there and help open up some tension I was holding to be able to allow for my full fertility. I could feel her working down there, releasing a lot energy. She then went down to my legs (later on which she described as actively trying to root me, which makes sense given the feelings I was getting) and it felt quite powerful. A lot of grounding and bringing me back down from a previously anxious state (I am an anxious person at baseline). At some point she then 'brushed' the work that she had done off of me... And that is when the flood gates opened. She did something by brushing off the energy that allowed me to not only cry, but in a way silently sob. I guess I had been holding on to a lot of grief and sadness that came out after she had activated it and then let it go from my body. I was grateful she didn’t stop even though I was crying because it felt like she had released something but there was still more to do. She kept grounding me by working on my legs and it was very helpful... to develop a sense of rooting when there was so much going on in my life. She also spent more time around my pelvic chakra. The session ended with her going back to my head, but the feeling was no longer a whirlwind of energy, but a calmer and deeper energy. After the session ended she asked how I was doing and I kept crying. She had released a lot of sadness I didn’t know I was holding onto... for what seemed like a very long time. She gave me some advice about how to proceed with the next couple of days. To focus on healthy activities, eat a nutricious hearty diet, to make time for yoga and meditation, and although I was going to be moving in the next couple of days... to do so thoughtfully and in a kind way to myself. To listen to music and take breaks. 

Two weeks after now, I still feel as though I am lighter. I honestly feel more content and more comfortable than I have felt in a long time. Things that used to make me feel sad now do not affect me as much. I don’t feel the sense in tragedy I was so likely to feel before. Whether that’s directly related to the reiki or not is hard to say, but I would like to think it had a major impact in releasing a lot of sadness that was weighing me down. In the chaos and the sadness, the reiki was able to reground me. And for that I will be forever grateful. I always knew Natalie was a healer, just by her genuine acceptance of people around her and by her deep sense of self and generosity, but this brings me a whole new level of appreciation for her healing hands. I hope to get to do reiki again with her and would recommend it to anyone who is open to the experience. Being trained in western medicine did not cause any hinderance to being able to feel the magic of the experience. Thank you Natalie 

— Maria 5/28/2019